castor - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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castor (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "castor" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Beaver
  2. Castor (used in context, often in scientific or biological references)
  3. A type of oil (castor oil)

Meaning and Use in Spanish

"Castor" primarily refers to the beaver, a semi-aquatic rodent known for its dam-building skills. In a biological context, "castor" can also refer to the genus name for beavers. The word is not typically used in colloquial speech but may appear in written contexts such as animal studies, nature documentaries, and educational materials.

The frequency of use of "castor" is moderate, primarily in written speech when discussing wildlife, biology, or ecology.

Example Sentences

  1. El castor es conocido por construir represas en ríos.
  2. The beaver is known for building dams in rivers.

  3. Los castores tienen un papel importante en el ecosistema de los humedales.

  4. Beavers play an important role in wetland ecosystems.

  5. El castor puede permanecer bajo el agua durante más de 15 minutos.

  6. The beaver can stay underwater for more than 15 minutes.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "castor" does not have a wide variety of idiomatic expressions directly involving it. However, it might occasionally be mentioned in relationship to ecology or nature within broader contexts.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Context

  1. La inteligencia del castor se refleja en la forma en que construyen sus hogares.
  2. The intelligence of the beaver is reflected in how they build their homes.

  3. En algunas culturas, el castor simboliza la construcción y el trabajo en equipo.

  4. In some cultures, the beaver symbolizes building and teamwork.

  5. Al igual que un castor, trabaja duro para mantener su hogar en orden.

  6. Just like a beaver, he works hard to keep his home in order.


The word "castor" comes from the Latin "castor," which is related to the Ancient Greek "kastor." In these ancient languages, it referred to the same animal, highlighting its significance in culture and mythology as a hardworking and industrious creature.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Nutria (though it refers to a different animal, sometimes confused contextually) - Castorino (though this term is less common, it may be used in specific contexts)

Antonyms: The term does not directly have antonyms, as it represents a specific animal rather than a quality or concept that can be opposed. However, one could argue that terms representing creatures that are not builders or that inhabit opposite ecological niches could serve as loose antonyms.

Overall, the usage of "castor" is most commonly in ecological or biological discussions, and while it does not have many idiomatic uses, it remains significant in the context of environmental studies.
