castrense - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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castrense (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "castrense" refers to anything related to the military or armed forces. It is used in both legal and general contexts to describe concepts, laws, or characteristics associated with military service. In Spanish, it is often used in legal jargon to refer to military jurisdiction or matters pertaining to the army. The frequency of use varies by context but is more common in written language, especially in legal or formal documents.

Example Sentences: 1. La justicia castrense tiene un papel importante en la resolución de casos militares. - The military justice system plays an important role in resolving military cases.

  1. Las leyes castrenses son específicas para los miembros de las fuerzas armadas.
  2. Military laws are specific to members of the armed forces.

  3. El investigador se especializa en temas castrenses y su impacto en la sociedad.

  4. The researcher specializes in military issues and their impact on society.

Idiomatic Expressions Involving "Castrense"

While "castrense" itself is not a part of many idiomatic expressions, it is often found in phrases related to military life or contexts. Here are some relevant examples:

  1. Derecho castrense
  2. "El derecho castrense regula la conducta de los militares en servicio."
  3. "Military law regulates the conduct of soldiers on duty."

  4. Organización castrense

  5. "La organización castrense requiere disciplina y compromiso."
  6. "The military organization requires discipline and commitment."

  7. Jurisdicción castrense

  8. "La jurisdicción castrense se aplica únicamente a los delitos cometidos por militares."
  9. "The military jurisdiction applies only to crimes committed by soldiers."

  10. Disciplina castrense

  11. "La disciplina castrense es esencial para el funcionamiento de las fuerzas armadas."
  12. "Military discipline is essential for the functioning of the armed forces."


The term "castrense" originates from the Latin word "castrensis," which means "of a camp" or "military." It is derived from "castrum," meaning "camp" or "fort." The evolution of the word reflects the association of military activities with specific locations and structures.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Militar - Bélico (bellicose, relating to war)

Antonyms: - Civil - Pacífico (peaceful)

This comprehensive overview provides a detailed understanding of the word "castrense," its usage, context, and relevance across various domains.
