casual - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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casual (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Use in Spanish

The word "casual" in Spanish is used as an adjective to describe a relaxed or informal manner, appearance, or situation. It conveys a sense of ease or lack of formality. In terms of frequency, "casual" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in fashion, social settings, and conversations about behavior.

Example Sentences

  1. Siempre prefiero un estilo casual para mi ropa diaria.
  2. "I always prefer a casual style for my everyday clothes."

  3. La fiesta era muy casual, todos vestían cómodamente.

  4. "The party was very casual, everyone was dressed comfortably."

  5. Hablamos de manera casual mientras tomábamos café.

  6. "We talked casually while drinking coffee."

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "casual" can be found in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish contexts, often signifying a laid-back attitude or informal approach to specific situations.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Relajarse y ser casual"
  2. "To relax and be casual."

    • Es importante relajarse y ser casual en las pequeñas reuniones.
    • "It's important to relax and be casual in small gatherings."
  3. "Vestir de manera casual"

  4. "To dress in a casual manner."

    • Ella prefiere vestir de manera casual durante el fin de semana.
    • "She prefers to dress casually on the weekend."
  5. "Actuar de manera casual"

  6. "To act casually."

    • A veces, actuar de manera casual puede ayudar a aliviar la tensión.
    • "Sometimes, acting casually can help relieve tension."
  7. "Tener una actitud casual"

  8. "To have a casual attitude."

    • Es mejor tener una actitud casual cuando se trata de conocer gente nueva.
    • "It’s better to have a casual attitude when it comes to meeting new people."
  9. "Relaciones casuales"

  10. "Casual relationships."
    • En la universidad, muchas personas optan por relaciones casuales en lugar de relaciones serias.
    • "In college, many people prefer casual relationships instead of serious ones."


The word "casual" comes from the English word "casual," which itself has its roots in the Latin word "casualis," meaning "happening by chance." In Spanish, "casual" has been adopted with essentially the same meaning related to lack of formality or chance occurrences.

Synonyms and Antonyms
