casualidad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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casualidad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Casualidad" refers to the occurrence of events by chance or coincidence. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, although it may appear more frequently in conversational settings due to its association with everyday situations and unexpected occurrences. The term conveys the idea that something happened without a deliberate or planned cause.

Frequency of Use

It is a relatively common term in the Spanish language, used in both informal conversations and formal discussions, especially in contexts involving fate, luck, or unexpected events.

Example Sentences

  1. No creo en la casualidad, todo tiene un propósito.
    (I don't believe in coincidence; everything has a purpose.)

  2. Fue pura casualidad que nos encontráramos en la misma tienda.
    (It was pure coincidence that we met in the same store.)

  3. La casualidad hizo que llegáramos a la fiesta al mismo tiempo.
    (Coincidence made us arrive at the party at the same time.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "casualidad" is often used in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Below are a few notable examples:

  1. Es una casualidad que no podrás ignorar.
    (It's a coincidence that you won't be able to ignore.)

  2. Tuve la casualidad de encontrar un billete en la calle.
    (I had the chance to find a bill on the street.)

  3. A veces, la casualidad puede cambiar el rumbo de nuestra vida.
    (Sometimes, coincidence can change the course of our lives.)

  4. No es casualidad que llegues justo cuando estoy saliendo.
    (It's not a coincidence that you arrive just when I'm leaving.)

  5. La casualidad quiso que nuestra historia comenzara en un tren.
    (Fate wanted our story to start on a train.)


The word "casualidad" comes from the Latin "casualitas," which is derived from "casus," meaning "fall" or "occasion." This Latin root reflects the concept of occurrence by chance or accident that the word embodies.


