cata - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cata (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word cata is primarily a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. tasting (in the context of wine or food tasting)
  2. review (an evaluation or assessment)
  3. sampling

Meaning and Usage

The term cata is most commonly used in the context of tasting, particularly with wine, food, or beverages. It refers to the act of sampling or evaluating the quality and characteristics of the item being tasted.

In Spanish-speaking countries, cata has cultural significance, especially in regions known for their wines, such as Spain and parts of Latin America. The frequency of its use depends on the context: it is often used in both oral and written forms, though you may find it more in specialized contexts like culinary events or wine tastings.

Example Sentences

  1. La cata de vinos se llevará a cabo el próximo sábado.
    The wine tasting will take place next Saturday.

  2. Durante la cata, aprendimos a identificar diferentes aromas.
    During the tasting, we learned to identify different aromas.

  3. Fue una cata excepcional con vinos de excelente calidad.
    It was an exceptional tasting with wines of excellent quality.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word cata does not have a wide range of idiomatic expressions; however, it can be included in phrases that involve tasting or sampling nuances. Here are a few examples:

  1. Cata a ciegas
    Blind tasting
  2. Durante la cata a ciegas, los participantes no saben qué vinos están probando.
    During the blind tasting, participants do not know which wines they are sampling.

  3. Cata de cerveza
    Beer tasting

  4. En la cata de cerveza, probamos diferentes estilos y sabores.
    In the beer tasting, we sampled different styles and flavors.

  5. Cata de aceites
    Oil tasting

  6. La cata de aceites fue una experiencia única, aprendimos sobre las variedades.
    The oil tasting was a unique experience; we learned about the varieties.

  7. Cata gastronómica
    Gastronomic tasting

  8. La cata gastronómica fue un evento donde se combinaban comida y bebida.
    The gastronomic tasting was an event where food and drink were combined.

  9. Cata de chocolates
    Chocolate tasting

  10. La cata de chocolates incluyó diferentes tipos de cacao.
    The chocolate tasting included different types of cacao.


The word cata comes from the Latin word catare, which means "to taste" or "to sample." This reflects its primary meaning related to tasting and evaluating the qualities of food and drink.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Prueba (test) - Muestreo (sampling) - Degustación (tasting)

Antonyms: - Ignorar (to ignore) - Descartar (to discard) - Rechazar (to reject)
