catalejo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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catalejo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "catalejo" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Use

"Catalejo" refers to a type of optical instrument used for viewing distant objects. It is commonly known as a telescope or spyglass and can be used in both astronomy and terrestrial observation. The term is used frequently in contexts related to exploration, navigation, and astronomy, and can be found in both written and oral speech, although it's more common in written forms or specific discussions related to its use.

Example Sentences

  1. El catalejo le permitió observar las estrellas con gran detalle.
    The telescope allowed him to observe the stars in great detail.

  2. Con el catalejo en mano, el capitán buscaba barcos enemigos en el horizonte.
    With the spyglass in hand, the captain searched for enemy ships on the horizon.

  3. El catalejo es una herramienta esencial para los astronomos aficionados.
    The telescope is an essential tool for amateur astronomers.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "catalejo" is not widely used in idiomatic expressions. However, it can still form part of some figurative or metaphorical usages regarding vision and perspective.

  1. Ver a través del catalejo.
    To see through the telescope.
    This can be used metaphorically to indicate gaining a clearer understanding of a situation.

  2. No todo se ve igual a través del catalejo.
    Not everything looks the same through the telescope.
    This suggests that perspectives can shift depending on one’s viewpoint.

  3. A veces necesitamos un catalejo para ver los problemas en detalle.
    Sometimes we need a telescope to see the problems in detail.
    This implies that a closer investigation is required to understand issues thoroughly.


The word "catalejo" originates from the Spanish "catalejo", which is derived from the Latin "cata-," meaning "down, away," and "leucos," meaning "light." This etymology indicates a device that allows one to see far, down or away into the distance.

Synonyms and Antonyms

The word "catalejo" represents an important aspect of observation in both technical and exploratory fields, symbolizing clarity and the ability to see beyond immediate surroundings.
