cataplasma - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cataplasma (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "cataplasma" refers to a soft, moist mass of material that is typically applied to the skin to relieve pain or inflammation. It is commonly used in both general and medical contexts, particularly in traditional and folk medicine. The word is moderately frequent in Spanish, especially in medical or therapeutic discussions. It is more commonly found in written contexts, such as medical literature, though it may also be present in oral speech among those familiar with home remedies.

Example Sentences

  1. El médico recomendó aplicar un cataplasma de arcilla para reducir la inflamación.
    The doctor recommended applying a clay poultice to reduce inflammation.

  2. Mi abuela siempre hacía un cataplasma de hierbas para aliviar el dolor muscular.
    My grandmother always made a herbal poultice to relieve muscle pain.

  3. Los cataplasmas se han utilizado durante siglos en la medicina tradicional.
    Poultices have been used for centuries in traditional medicine.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cataplasma" itself may not have numerous direct idiomatic expressions associated with it, it can be included in discussions related to health and remedies in various expressions.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Buscar el cataplasma para el dolor no es suficiente; también hay que cuidar la dieta.
    Looking for a poultice for pain is not enough; you also have to watch your diet.

  2. No hay cataplasma que cure la falta de descanso; es mejor dormir bien.
    There is no poultice that cures the lack of rest; it's better to sleep well.

  3. Cuando se trata de salud, no siempre un cataplasma hace el truco, se necesita un tratamiento completo.
    When it comes to health, a poultice doesn't always do the trick; a complete treatment is needed.


The word "cataplasma" originates from the Latin "cataplasma," which itself is derived from the Greek "kataplásma," meaning "something spread on" or "to fold." It emphasizes the application of a therapeutic substance to the body.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This word encapsulates traditional healing practices and is indicative of cultural approaches to health and wellness in Spanish-speaking communities.
