catastral - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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catastral (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "catastral" is primarily used in legal and administrative contexts, referring to anything related to the cadastre or property registers. It is commonly used in discussions about land ownership, valuations, property taxes, and spatial planning. The word is more frequently seen in written contexts, such as legal documents, reports, and official communications, rather than in casual oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. El informe catastral muestra la asignación de propiedades en la región.
  2. The cadastral report shows the assignment of properties in the region.

  3. La actualización del registro catastral es fundamental para la correcta administración territorial.

  4. Updating the cadastral register is essential for proper territorial administration.

  5. Es necesario consultar el plano catastral antes de realizar cualquier modificación en el terreno.

  6. It is necessary to consult the cadastral map before making any modifications to the land.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "catastral" is not frequently found in idiomatic expressions, it is used in legal terminology that might involve phrases related to property and land management. Here are some related contexts:

  1. Valor catastral
  2. El valor catastral de la propiedad se ha incrementado debido a la renovación urbana.
  3. The cadastral value of the property has increased due to urban renewal.

  4. Registro catastral

  5. El registro catastral debe ser accesible para que los propietarios puedan verificar su información.
  6. The cadastral register must be accessible so that property owners can verify their information.

  7. Zona catastral

  8. La zona catastral afectada por el nuevo desarrollo inmobiliario ha sido delimitada por el ayuntamiento.
  9. The cadastral zone affected by the new real estate development has been delineated by the city council.

  10. Número catastral

  11. Necesitas el número catastral para realizar el trámite de compra de la propiedad.
  12. You need the cadastral number to initiate the purchase process of the property.


The word "catastral" is derived from the Latin "catasterium," which means a register or a record. The term relates to "catastro," which refers to the official register of property and land.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Registral (relating to records) - Fiscal (in certain contexts regarding property taxes)

Antonyms: - No direct antonyms, but could be contrasted with terms indicating informal or unregistered land (e.g., "extrajudicial" referring to unregistered ownership).

This comprehensive analysis of "catastral" highlights its relevance in legal and administrative domains, particularly concerning property management and valuation.
