catear - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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catear (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. To outline
  2. To draw up
  3. To draft

Meaning and Usage

"Catear" is primarily used in legal and technical contexts, often referring to the act of outlining, drawing up, or drafting documents and plans. The term is predominantly utilized in sections of law, mining, and engineering in countries like Argentina, Peru, and Chile. It is more common in written contexts rather than oral speech, especially in professional settings.

Example Sentences

  1. El abogado comenzó a catear el contrato para asegurarse de que no hubieran cláusulas ocultas.
  2. The lawyer started to outline the contract to make sure there were no hidden clauses.

  3. El ingeniero tuvo que catear todos los detalles del proyecto antes de presentarlo.

  4. The engineer had to draft all the details of the project before presenting it.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "catear" is not widely recognized in idiomatic expressions, it is often used in specific phrases within legal and technical vernacular. Below are examples incorporating "catear" in relevant contexts:

  1. Catear el terreno antes de invertir es fundamental para evitar sorpresas.
  2. Outlining the terrain before investing is essential to avoid surprises.

  3. Es común catear los requisitos legales antes de iniciar un nuevo negocio.

  4. It is common to outline the legal requirements before starting a new business.

  5. Antes de catear el proyecto, debemos reunir a todos los interesados.

  6. Before drafting the project, we should gather all stakeholders.


The word "catear" derives from the Spanish "cata," which means to outline or sketch. The addition of the verb suffix "-ear" follows a pattern in Spanish that transforms nouns into verbs, indicating the action of performing or executing the noun's function.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Esquematizar (to outline) - Redactar (to draft) - Delimitar (to delineate)

Antonyms: - Desdibujar (to blur) - Confundir (to confuse) - Ignorar (to ignore)

Frequency of Use

"Catear" is used moderately in professional contexts, mainly in written communication due to its technical nature. It is less common in everyday spoken language, but those familiar with legal and technical terminology will likely encounter it more often.
