cateto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cateto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cateto is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Cateto refers to one of the legs of a right triangle (the sides that are not the hypotenuse) in mathematics. In general usage, it can also refer to an inadequate or awkward person, particularly in some Latino American dialects.

Frequency of Use

The term cateto is commonly used in mathematics education and discourse. Its usage tends to be more prevalent in written contexts (e.g., textbooks, academic papers) than in casual oral conversation, but it is recognized and understood in spoken language as well.

Example Sentences

  1. En un triángulo rectángulo, cada cateto forma un ángulo recto con el otro.
  2. In a right triangle, each leg forms a right angle with the other.

  3. Recuerda que la fórmula para calcular la hipotenusa incluye ambos catetos.

  4. Remember that the formula to calculate the hypotenuse includes both legs.

  5. Mi amigo es un verdadero cateto cuando intenta resolver problemas de matemáticas.

  6. My friend is really awkward when he tries to solve math problems.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word cateto is not only used in a mathematical sense but also commonly appears in idiomatic expressions, usually referring to someone who is perceived as simple or lacking sophistication.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. No seas un cateto y pregúntale a alguien si no entiendes.
  2. Don't be awkward and ask someone if you don’t understand.

  3. Mi hermano siempre dice catetadas cuando se emociona.

  4. My brother always says silly things when he gets excited.

  5. A veces creo que soy un cateto por no entender algunas cosas de la tecnología.

  6. Sometimes I think I’m a simpleton for not understanding some technology things.

  7. Aunque tiene buenas intenciones, a menudo resulta ser un cateto en las fiestas.

  8. Although he has good intentions, he often comes off as awkward at parties.


The term cateto is derived from the Latin word cathetus, which means "perpendicular." This is connected to its geometrical usage in describing the sides of a right triangle. The word has roots in the Greek word καθέτος (kathetos), meaning "vertical."

Synonyms and Antonyms



By using this term in various contexts, we can see its rich applicability in both mathematics and colloquial Spanish.
