caudal - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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caudal (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "caudal" primarily refers to the flow of water in a river or stream, but it can also refer to the volume of a liquid or to wealth and resources in an economic context. Its frequency of use can vary by region and context; it is commonly encountered in discussions about hydrology, economics, and legal matters. "Caudal" is more often used in written contexts, particularly in formal settings.

Example Sentences

  1. El caudal del río ha aumentado debido a las recientes lluvias.
  2. The flow of the river has increased due to the recent rains.

  3. La empresa ha experimentado un caudal significativo en sus ingresos este trimestre.

  4. The company has experienced a significant increase in its revenue this quarter.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Caudal" is often part of idioms related to economic wealth, prosperity, and physical flow.

  1. Tener un caudal de información
  2. Translation: To have a wealth of information
  3. Example: El periodista tiene un caudal de información sobre el escándalo político.
  4. Translation: The journalist has a wealth of information regarding the political scandal.

  5. Caudal de recursos

  6. Translation: Flow of resources
  7. Example: El caudal de recursos invertidos en educación ha crecido este año.
  8. Translation: The flow of resources invested in education has grown this year.

  9. Caudal hídricos

  10. Translation: Water flow
  11. Example: La medición de los caudales hídricos es crucial para la gestión ambiental.
  12. Translation: The measurement of water flows is crucial for environmental management.


The word "caudal" comes from the Latin "caudalis," which means "of the tail," and is derived from "cauda," which means "tail." The use of "caudal" in the context of flow can be metaphorically linked to the idea of something that streams or extends out, similar to how a tail might extend from the body.

Synonyms and Antonyms
