causa - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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causa (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "causa" primarily refers to a reason for something, a case in legal terms, or the source of an effect. It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, especially in legal discussions or philosophical contexts. In everyday conversation, it relates to the reasons behind actions or occurrences.

In terms of frequency, "causa" is a common word in general Spanish language usage, particularly in academic and legal discourse.

Example Sentences

  1. Causa de la falta de agua es el cambio climático.
    The cause of the water shortage is climate change.

  2. Están estudiando la causa de este fenómeno natural.
    They are studying the cause of this natural phenomenon.

  3. La causa del litigio fue un malentendido en el contrato.
    The cause of the lawsuit was a misunderstanding in the contract.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Causa" is often used in various idiomatic expressions, particularly in colloquial speech in Latin America.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Dar una causa
    To give a reason.
    La empresa tuvo que dar una causa válida para despedir al empleado.
    The company had to give a valid reason to dismiss the employee.

  2. Gastarle una causa a alguien
    To give someone a reason for complaint or a grievance.
    No le gasté una causa a mi amigo a pesar de que me falló.
    I did not give my friend a reason to complain even though he let me down.

  3. Ser causa de algo
    To be the reason for something.
    La falta de preparación puede ser causa de un examen fallido.
    Lack of preparation can be the reason for a failed exam.

  4. Causa perdida
    Lost cause.
    Intentar convencerlo fue una causa perdida.
    Trying to convince him was a lost cause.

  5. Causar sensación
    To cause a sensation.
    La nueva película causó sensación en el festival.
    The new movie caused a sensation at the festival.


The word "causa" originates from Latin causa, which means "cause, reason, or lawsuit." The term has been preserved in Spanish with a similar meaning, transitioning through Old French before becoming integrated into the Spanish language.



With these details, "causa" is recognized as a versatile term with crucial implications across various domains, notably in legal, philosophical, and everyday contexts.
