causa resuelta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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causa resuelta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:

Noun phrase.

Phonetic transcription:

[ˈkawsa reˈswelta]

Translation options into English:


The phrase "causa resuelta" means that a legal case or matter has been resolved. It is a common term within the legal field in Spanish. This phrase is used both in written and oral contexts, frequently in legal documents or when discussing the outcome of a court case.

Example sentences:

  1. La causa se ha resuelto a favor del demandante. (The case has been resolved in favor of the plaintiff.)
  2. Después de meses de litigio, la causa fue finalmente resuelta. (After months of litigation, the case was finally resolved.)

Idiomatic expressions:

In legal contexts, the term "causa" is frequently used in various idiomatic expressions. Here are some examples:

  1. Causa judicial: Legal case or lawsuit.
  2. El abogado está trabajando en una causa judicial muy compleja. (The lawyer is working on a very complex legal case.)

  3. Causa pendiente: Pending case.

  4. Hay varias causas pendientes que deben resolverse antes de fin de año. (There are several pending cases that must be resolved before the end of the year.)

  5. Causa perdida: Lost cause.

  6. No creas que puedes ganar, esto es una causa perdida. (Don't think you can win, this is a lost cause.)


The word "causa" comes from Latin "causa," meaning "cause" or "reason." In legal terms, "causa" refers to a case, lawsuit, or legal matter. "Resuelta" comes from the verb "resolver," which means "to resolve" or "to solve." When combined, "causa resuelta" refers to a legal case that has been resolved.

Synonyms and Antonyms: