causalidad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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causalidad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Causalidad is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Causalidad refers to the relationship between cause and effect. It encompasses the notion that events occur as a result of preceding events or conditions. The term is commonly used in various contexts—philosophical discussions regarding determinism, legal contexts assessing responsibility, and medical scenarios investigating the effectiveness of treatments or interventions.

Frequency-wise, causalidad is often employed in academic and philosophical discourse, making it more prevalent in written texts than in everyday oral communication.

Example Sentences

  1. La causalidad es un concepto fundamental en la filosofía moderna.
  2. Causality is a fundamental concept in modern philosophy.

  3. En el juicio, se demostró la causalidad entre la acción del demandado y el daño sufrido por la víctima.

  4. In the trial, the causality between the defendant's actions and the harm suffered by the victim was demonstrated.

  5. La investigación médica busca establecer la causalidad de ciertas enfermedades.

  6. Medical research seeks to establish the causality of certain diseases.

Idiomatic Expressions

Causalidad plays a critical role in several idiomatic expressions, primarily in philosophical, logical, and legal contexts.

  1. Causalidad directa
  2. El estudio de los efectos del tabaco muestra una causalidad directa con el cáncer de pulmón.
  3. The study of the effects of tobacco shows a direct causality with lung cancer.

  4. Causalidad compleja

  5. La relación entre la pobreza y la criminalidad es un ejemplo de causalidad compleja.
  6. The relationship between poverty and crime is an example of complex causality.

  7. Nexo de causalidad

  8. Es importante demostrar el nexo de causalidad para ganar el caso en la corte.
  9. It is important to demonstrate the causal link to win the case in court.

  10. Causalidad recíproca

  11. En la discusión sobre la salud mental, a menudo se habla de la causalidad recíproca entre el estrés y la depresión.
  12. In the discussion about mental health, reciprocal causality between stress and depression is often talked about.


The term causalidad originates from the Latin word causalis, which means "pertaining to a cause," derived from causa, meaning "cause." The evolution into causalidad reflects the integration of the concept into modern philosophical and scientific discourse.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Causalidad (itself, as it is a specific term) - Relación causa-efecto (cause-effect relationship) - Efecto causal (causal effect)

Antonyms: - Casualidad (coincidence, unrelated circumstances)

In conclusion, causalidad is a multifaceted term with significant implications in various fields, making it an essential concept in understanding relationships between events and phenomena.
