causante - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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causante (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word causante is a noun and an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is:

Translation Options into English

The term causante can be translated into English as: - Cause - Causing agent - Causative (adjective)

Meaning and Usage

Causante primarily refers to something or someone that causes or produces an effect or a result. In legal terminology, it is often used to denote the party or element responsible for causing a particular legal consequence. It can be used in both oral and written contexts, though its usage might be more prevalent in formal, legal, and academic writing rather than casual conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. El juez identificó al causante del daño en la propiedad.
  2. The judge identified the cause of the damage to the property.

  3. En el informe se menciona quién es el causante de los problemas.

  4. The report states who is the cause of the problems.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term causante appears in various idiomatic expressions, often related to responsibility and effects.

  1. Causante de problemas
    La falta de comunicación es a menudo causante de problemas en el trabajo.
  2. Lack of communication is often the cause of problems at work.

  3. Causante de conflictos
    La ambición desmedida puede ser causante de conflictos familiares.

  4. Excessive ambition can be the cause of family conflicts.

  5. Causante de consecuencias
    Sus acciones irresponsables fueron causantes de consecuencias graves.

  6. His irresponsible actions were the cause of serious consequences.

  7. Causante de cambios
    El clima está cambiando y es causante de cambios en la agricultura.

  8. The climate is changing and is causing changes in agriculture.


The word causante comes from the verb causar, which means "to cause." The suffix -ante is used to form adjectives and nouns denoting an agent or doer of the action related to the verb.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview provides insight into the term causante, its usage, idiomatic expressions, and related linguistic aspects within the Spanish language, particularly in legal and formal contexts.
