cautamente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cautamente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"cautamente" is an adverb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Cautamente" refers to the manner in which an action is performed with caution, care, or prudence. It is used to describe actions where someone is being careful or avoiding risks. The word is relatively common in both oral and written contexts; however, it may be more frequently encountered in written texts such as literature, academic papers, and formal communication.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella cruzó la calle cautamente.
    She crossed the street cautiously.

  2. El ingeniero explicó cautamente los riesgos del proyecto.
    The engineer explained the risks of the project carefully.

  3. Debemos actuar cautamente en esta situación.
    We must act prudently in this situation.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cautamente" may not be a central part of traditional idiomatic expressions, it can be incorporated into several phrases or contexts that emphasize careful or prudent behavior.

  1. "Ir cautamente"
    To go cautiously
  2. Ejemplo: Decidí ir cautamente en el camino resbaladizo.
    I decided to go cautiously on the slippery road.

  3. "Hablar cautamente"
    To speak cautiously

  4. Ejemplo: Él siempre habla cautamente cuando discute temas políticos.
    He always speaks cautiously when discussing political topics.

  5. "Considerar cautamente"
    To consider carefully

  6. Ejemplo: Debemos considerar cautamente las opciones antes de decidir.
    We should consider the options carefully before deciding.

  7. "Actuar cautamente"
    To act cautiously

  8. Ejemplo: Es mejor actuar cautamente que lamentar después.
    It’s better to act cautiously than to regret later.

  9. "Moverse cautamente"
    To move cautiously

  10. Ejemplo: Tienes que moverte cautamente en el bosque para no asustar a los animales.
    You have to move cautiously in the forest so as not to scare the animals.


The word "cautamente" is derived from the adjective "cauto," which means cautious or careful, combined with the adverbial suffix "-mente," which is similar to the English "-ly." The root "caut-" relates to caution and has Latin origins, from "cautus," meaning 'careful' or 'wary.'

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Prevenir (to prevent) - Prudente (prudent) - Circunspecto (circumspect)

Antonyms: - Descuidadamente (carelessly) - Imprudentemente (imprudently) - Temeraramente (recklessly)
