cauteloso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cauteloso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "cauteloso" refers to a person who is careful, cautious, or wary, especially regarding their actions, decisions, or interactions. It conveys a sense of prudence and attentiveness to potential dangers or risks. In the Spanish language, "cauteloso" is often used to describe someone's behavior or attitude, suggesting that they are not impulsive and tend to think things through before acting.

It is commonly used in both spoken and written contexts, although it may appear more frequently in written language, particularly in literary or formal settings.

Example Sentences

  1. Juan es muy cauteloso al tomar decisiones financieras.
    (Juan is very cautious when making financial decisions.)

  2. Debes ser cauteloso cuando entras en un lugar desconocido.
    (You should be careful when entering an unknown place.)

  3. La madre siempre ha sido cautelosa con los amigos de su hijo.
    (The mother has always been wary of her son's friends.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cauteloso" can be found in several idiomatic expressions, highlighting a disposition towards caution or wariness. Here are some examples:

  1. Más vale ser cauteloso que lamentar después.
    (It’s better to be cautious than to regret later.)

  2. Cauteloso como un gato en un tejado caliente.
    (Cautious as a cat on a hot roof.)

  3. A veces, ser cauteloso puede abrirte más puertas.
    (Sometimes, being cautious can open more doors for you.)

  4. El cauteloso nunca se queda sin un plan B.
    (The cautious person never runs out of a plan B.)


The word "cauteloso" originates from the Latin "cautelōsus," which means "full of caution." The root "cautela" is derived from "cautus," meaning "careful" or "wary." It has evolved in the Spanish language to maintain the same connotation of carefulness and vigilance.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Prevenido (Forewarned) - Prudente (Prudent) - Cauto (Wary)

Antonyms: - Imprudente (Imprudent) - Osado (Daring) - Temerario (Reckless)
