cauto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cauto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "cauto" describes a state of being cautious or careful. It is used to refer to a person who is prudent and avoids taking unnecessary risks. This term can apply to various situations, such as making decisions, handling money, or dealing with others.

In terms of frequency, "cauto" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts. However, it may appear more frequently in written discourse, as it lends a formal tone to the language.

Example Sentences

  1. "Es mejor ser cauto al invertir dinero."
    "It's better to be cautious when investing money."

  2. "Mi amigo es muy cauto; siempre piensa antes de hablar."
    "My friend is very careful; he always thinks before he speaks."

  3. "El presidente adoptó una postura cauto ante la crisis."
    "The president took a cautious stance regarding the crisis."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cauto" itself may not feature prominently in highly idiomatic expressions, it can be related to several phrases that promote caution or prudence. Here are some idiomatic expressions that include the essence of caution:

  1. "Cautela en la vida, cautela en los negocios."
    "Caution in life, caution in business."

  2. "El que no es cauto, se enfrenta a la tormenta."
    "He who is not cautious faces the storm."

  3. "En tiempos difíciles, ser cauto es crucial."
    "In difficult times, being cautious is crucial."

  4. "Más vale ser cauto que arrepentirse."
    "It's better to be cautious than to regret it."


The term "cauto" originates from the Latin word "cautus," which means careful or cautious. It has evolved in the Spanish language to maintain a similar meaning, reflecting a longstanding cultural emphasis on prudence and caution.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Precavido (cautious) - Prudente (prudent) - Cauto (wary)

Antonyms: - Temerario (reckless) - Imprudente (imprudent) - Desprevenido (unprepared)
