caverna - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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caverna (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "caverna" refers to a naturally occurring underground space, often large enough for a human to enter. It is commonly used in both informal and formal contexts.

Frequency of Use

"Caverna" is used with moderate frequency in both spoken and written Spanish. It appears in discussions about geography, nature, and exploration, and may also appear in medical or metaphorical contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. La caverna es un lugar fascinante para explorar.
  2. The cave is a fascinating place to explore.

  3. Los científicos encontraron restos de animales en la caverna.

  4. Scientists found remains of animals in the cavern.

  5. Dicen que hay tesoros escondidos en la caverna.

  6. They say there are hidden treasures in the cave.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Caverna" is often used in idiomatic expressions, mostly emphasizing darkness, hidden aspects or refuge.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Estar en una caverna.
  2. To be in a cave (used metaphorically to express someone who is unaware of what is happening around them).
  3. Ejemplo: "Desde que cambió de trabajo, parece que está en una caverna."
  4. Example: "Since he changed jobs, he seems to be in a cave."

  5. Salir de la caverna.

  6. To come out of the cave (implies gaining awareness or knowledge).
  7. Ejemplo: "Necesitas salir de la caverna y ver la realidad."
  8. Example: "You need to come out of the cave and see reality."

  9. Vive en la caverna del olvido.

  10. Lives in the cave of oblivion (referring to someone who is forgotten or ignored).
  11. Ejemplo: "Esa película vive en la caverna del olvido."
  12. Example: "That movie lives in the cave of oblivion."


The word "caverna" originates from Latin "caverna," which also means "cave". The root can be traced back to the verb "cavere," meaning to hollow out or to create a space.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Gruta (grotto) - Cueva (cave, typically used for smaller or more specific types of caves)

Antonyms: - Montaña (mountain), which represents an elevated land form as opposed to an underground hollow.

This comprehensive view provides an understanding of the term "caverna" in its various uses and contextual relevance in the Spanish language.
