cavernoso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cavernoso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "cavernoso" is often used in both general and specific contexts. In general, it usually describes something that is hollow or has a deep cavity. In medicine, it refers to structures that resemble a cavern, often linked to physiological aspects such as blood vessels or specific types of tissue. In geology, it may describe formations with large hollow spaces, often related to caves or subterranean structures.

The frequency of use of "cavernoso" can vary depending on the context, but generally, it is more common in written texts, especially in scientific literature. In oral speech, while still understood, it might be replaced with simpler words like "hueco" (hollow) in casual conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. La imagen de la resonancia magnética mostró un tejido cavernoso en el área afectada.
  2. The MRI image showed a cavernous tissue in the affected area.

  3. En la cueva, encontramos formaciones cavernosas que nos dejaron maravillados.

  4. In the cave, we found cavernous formations that left us in awe.

  5. Su voz tenía un tono cavernoso que resonaba en toda la sala.

  6. His voice had a cavernous tone that resonated throughout the room.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cavernoso" is not typically featured in many idiomatic expressions, it can be utilized in various contexts to describe hollowness or profundity. Here are a few phrases and their translations:

  1. Voz cavernosa – "Cavernous voice"
  2. La actriz tiene una voz cavernosa que capta la atención del público.
  3. The actress has a cavernous voice that captures the audience's attention.

  4. Sonido cavernoso – "Cavernous sound"

  5. El eco en la montaña era un sonido cavernoso que retumbaba.
  6. The echo in the mountain was a cavernous sound that resonated.

  7. Risa cavernosa – "Cavernous laugh"

  8. Su risa cavernosa llenó la habitación y hizo reír a todos.
  9. His cavernous laugh filled the room and made everyone laugh.

  10. Cavernoso eco – "Cavernous echo"

  11. El cavernoso eco de su voz se oyó en el valle.
  12. The cavernous echo of his voice was heard in the valley.


The word "cavernoso" originates from the Latin term "cavernōsus," which means "full of caves" or "hollow." The root "cavus" means "hollow" or "cave," indicating something that has space within it.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Hueco (hollow) - Vacío (empty) - Profundo (deep)

Antonyms: - Llano (flat) - Sólido (solid) - Compacto (compact)
