caviar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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caviar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "caviar" refers to the processed roe (eggs) of sturgeon and certain other fish, which is considered a delicacy and is often served as a luxurious food item. In Spanish, "caviar" is used similarly to English to denote this exclusive food product.

It is typically used in contexts related to gastronomy, fine dining, and luxury goods. The term is frequently used in both oral speech and written contexts, particularly in food-related discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. "El caviar es un alimento que se sirve en ocasiones especiales."
  2. "Caviar is a food that is served on special occasions."

  3. "Mi amigo compró caviar para la cena de esta noche."

  4. "My friend bought caviar for tonight's dinner."

  5. "En el restaurante, ofrecen un plato de pasta con caviar."

  6. "At the restaurant, they offer a pasta dish with caviar."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "caviar" doesn't have an extensive array of idiomatic expressions in Spanish, it is used metaphorically to describe something luxurious or extravagant. Below are some sentences that include this word in a more figurative context:

  1. "Vivir como un jeque no significa solo tener caviar todos los días."
  2. "Living like a sheikh doesn't just mean having caviar every day."

  3. "Cuando viajamos en primera clase, nos sentimos como si estuviéramos comiendo caviar."

  4. "When we travel in first class, we feel like we're eating caviar."

  5. "El caviar de la vida no siempre es fácil de encontrar."

  6. "The caviar of life is not always easy to find."

  7. "No se necesita caviar para disfrutar de una buena cena; la compañía es lo que importa."

  8. "You don't need caviar to enjoy a good dinner; the company is what matters."


The word "caviar" is borrowed from the French "caviar," which in turn comes from the Persian "خاویار" (khâvyâr). The Persian term itself derives from "خاوین" (khâvin), meaning "egg," and has evolved through different languages before being adopted into Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Huevas (roe) - Pec caviar (can refer to caviar made from other fish, but less common)

Antonyms: - Comida básica (basic food) - Comida sencilla (simple food)

In Spanish, while direct antonyms are rare due to the delicacy context of "caviar," more generalized contrasting terms might refer to everyday foods that are less extravagant.
