cayo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cayo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cayo" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "cayo" using the International Phonetic Alphabet is /ˈka.ʝo/.

Translation Options into English

  1. Cay
  2. Sandbank
  3. Small island

Meaning and Usage in Spanish

"Cayo" refers to a small, low island or sandbank, particularly in relation to nautical contexts where these features are relevant for navigation or coastal geography. The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions about geography, marine navigation, and ecology. It is moderately common in everyday language, especially in coastal regions or amongst individuals involved with marine activities.

Example Sentences

  1. El cayo es un lugar perfecto para pasar el día.
    (The cay is a perfect place to spend the day.)

  2. Los pescadores suelen ir a pescar cerca del cayo.
    (Fishermen often go fishing near the sandbank.)

  3. Visitamos un cayo deshabitado durante nuestras vacaciones.
    (We visited an uninhabited cay during our vacation.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Cayo" is less common in idiomatic expressions compared to more versatile nouns, but it can appear in contexts relating to environments with cays. Here are a few examples of possible idiomatic uses:

  1. "Cayo de arena"
    (sand cay)
  2. Vamos a construir castillos en el cayo de arena.
    (Let's build castles on the sand cay.)

  3. "Perderse en el cayo" (to lose oneself in a place)

  4. Después de un día en el cayo, me sentí renovado y feliz.
    (After a day at the cay, I felt renewed and happy.)

  5. "Navegar hacia el cayo" (to head towards the cay)

  6. Los turistas están emocionados de navegar hacia el cayo.
    (The tourists are excited to sail towards the cay.)

  7. "Encontrar un cayo oculto" (to find a hidden cay)

  8. Fue una aventura encontrar un cayo oculto en el océano.
    (It was an adventure to find a hidden cay in the ocean.)


The word "cayo" comes from the Spanish word for a small island or sandbank, derived from the Latin "cā̆cus," which refers to a small, flat area of land in water. The development of the term reflects the regional usage in maritime and coastal geography.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Islote (islet) - Sandbank (banco de arena)

Antonyms: - Tierra firme (mainland) - Montaña (mountain)

"Cayo" specifically denotes small islands or sandbanks, while the antonyms reference larger land forms or stable ground away from water.
