caza - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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caza (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "caza" refers primarily to the act of hunting wild animals. It is often used to denote the activity related to pursuing, capturing, or killing game animals. "Caza" can also refer to the type of game that is sought after (i.e., prey). It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions about wildlife, nature, sport, and laws related to hunting.

In terms of frequency, "caza" is more commonly used in written contexts, particularly in legal texts related to hunting regulations, conservation efforts, and sporting literature.

Example Sentences

  1. La caza de ciervos es muy popular en esta región.
  2. The hunting of deer is very popular in this region.

  3. Las leyes sobre la caza han cambiado este año.

  4. The laws regarding hunting have changed this year.

  5. La caza ilegal amenaza a muchas especies.

  6. Illegal hunting threatens many species.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "caza" itself does not have many idiomatic expressions, it is part of several common phrases and expressions related to hunting:

  1. Caza mayor - refers to big game hunting.
  2. La caza mayor requiere más habilidad y conocimiento del terreno.
  3. Big game hunting requires more skill and knowledge of the terrain.

  4. Caza de brujas - literal translation means "witch hunt," but can refer to any campaign against a specific group.

  5. La caza de brujas en la política no es algo nuevo.
  6. The witch hunt in politics is nothing new.

  7. Caza furtiva - refers to poaching or illegal hunting.

  8. La caza furtiva sigue siendo un gran problema en muchas partes del mundo.
  9. Poaching continues to be a major problem in many parts of the world.

  10. Caza recompensa - means "bounty hunting."

  11. Los cazadores de recompensas tienen que seguir reglas muy estrictas.
  12. Bounty hunters have to follow very strict rules.


The word "caza" originates from the Latin "captia," which refers to taking or capturing. This reflects the activity involved in hunting, which is about capturing animals.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive exploration of "caza" illustrates its multifaceted nature, reflecting its significance in various contexts, especially concerning wildlife and legal frameworks around hunting.
