cazadora - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cazadora (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word cazadora can refer to a female hunter; however, in contemporary usage, it is more commonly associated with a type of jacket. It typically describes a fitted outer garment, often made of leather or denim, that is hip-length.

In Spanish-speaking countries, it is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, especially in fashion-related conversations. The frequency of usage might vary based on regional dialects, but it is generally a well-known term.

Example Sentences

  1. Mi hermana es una cazadora experta y siempre trae consigo sus trofeos.
  2. My sister is an expert huntress, and she always brings her trophies with her.

  3. Compré una cazadora de cuero que combina con todo.

  4. I bought a leather jacket that goes with everything.

  5. En el parque, vi a una cazadora que disfrutaba de la naturaleza.

  6. In the park, I saw a huntress who was enjoying nature.

Idiomatic Expressions

While cazadora itself is not frequently found in idiomatic expressions, it does contribute to a few phrases and colloquial uses, especially associated with style or fashion.

  1. Cazadora de sueños – This phrase can refer to someone or something that embodies beauty and aspiration.
  2. Ella es la cazadora de sueños de todos los jóvenes artistas.
  3. She is the dreamcatcher of all young artists.

  4. Estilo de cazadora – This refers to a jacket style that embodies casual and sporty fashion.

  5. Este otoño, el estilo de cazadora es muy popular entre los jóvenes.
  6. This autumn, the jacket style is very popular among young people.

  7. Cazadora de aventuras – Refers to a spirited person who seeks new experiences.

  8. Siempre busca ser una cazadora de aventuras durante sus vacaciones.
  9. She always seeks to be a hunter of adventures during her holidays.


The word cazadora comes from the Spanish word cazar, which means "to hunt." Its suffix -dor/a indicates an agent noun, meaning one who hunts. The evolution of the term from a hunter to a specific type of garment likely derives from traditional attire worn during hunting.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In conclusion, cazadora encompasses both the concept of a hunter and a specific type of fashionable jacket, making it a versatile word in the Spanish language.
