cazar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cazar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The verb "cazar" primarily means "to hunt," referring to the act of pursuing and capturing animals for sport or food. It can also mean "to catch" in contexts involving capturing animals or even people metaphorically. The word is commonly used in both oral and written Spanish, showing a moderate to high frequency of use depending on the context, such as discussions about nature, wildlife, and certain sports.

Example Sentences

  1. El hombre salió a cazar ciervos en el bosque.
  2. The man went out to hunt deer in the forest.

  3. Me gustaría cazar un pez grande este verano.

  4. I would like to catch a big fish this summer.

  5. Los niños intentaban cazar mariposas en el jardín.

  6. The children were trying to catch butterflies in the garden.

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, "cazar" is used in several idiomatic expressions. Here are a few:

  1. Cazar en la niebla
  2. Literal Translation: To hunt in the fog
  3. Meaning: To engage in a confusing situation or to attempt to achieve something without clear visibility or understanding.
  4. Example: "Estaba cazando en la niebla cuando decidí cambiar de estrategia."

    • "I was hunting in the fog when I decided to change my strategy."
  5. Cazar una oportunidad

  6. Literal Translation: To catch an opportunity
  7. Meaning: To seize an opportunity when it arises.
  8. Example: "Debes cazar esa oportunidad de trabajo antes de que se acabe."

    • "You must catch that job opportunity before it runs out."
  9. Cazar a alguien fuera de juego

  10. Literal Translation: To catch someone offside
  11. Meaning: To catch someone unprepared or out of position.
  12. Example: "El gerente lo cazó fuera de juego cuando llegó tarde a la reunión."
    • "The manager caught him offside when he arrived late to the meeting."


The word "cazar" originates from the Latin "captiare," which means "to capture" or "to seize." Over time, it evolved into the modern Spanish form we use today.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview provides insights into the usage, meaning, and contextual relevance of the term "cazar" in the Spanish language.
