cazuela - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cazuela (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cazuela is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/caˈθwela/ (in Spain) or /kaˈ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

  1. Casserole
  2. Pot
  3. Saucepan

Meaning and Usage

The term "cazuela" refers to a type of cooking pot, typically used for making stews and casseroles. It can also denote a specific dish prepared in such a pot. The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in culinary discussions, but also extends to more general conversations about cooking. Its frequency of use is moderate; you'll find it quite prevalent in recipes and cooking shows.

Example Sentences

  1. La cazuela de pollo está lista para servir.
    The chicken casserole is ready to serve.

  2. Necesito una cazuela grande para preparar la sopa.
    I need a large pot to prepare the soup.

  3. Ella siempre usa su cazuela de barro para guisar.
    She always uses her clay pot for stewing.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cazuela" is not frequently found in idiomatic expressions, it can be involved in culinary-related sayings or context where the act of cooking is metaphorically significant. Below are a few relevant examples:

  1. "Cocinar en la misma cazuela"
    To cook in the same pot - This expression refers to working collaboratively or sharing a task.
    Es importante que todos trabajemos juntos, cocinando en la misma cazuela.
    It’s important that we all work together, cooking in the same pot.

  2. "Poner las cartas sobre la mesa, como en una cazuela"
    To put the cards on the table, like in a casserole - Meaning to be transparent in a discussion.
    Antes de empezar la reunión, es esencial poner las cartas sobre la mesa, como en una cazuela.
    Before starting the meeting, it’s essential to lay all the cards on the table, like in a casserole.

  3. "De la cazuela a la mesa"
    From the pot to the table - Refers to food being served quickly after it has been cooked.
    No hay nada como la comida hecha en casa, de la cazuela a la mesa.
    There’s nothing like homemade food, from the pot to the table.


The word "cazuela" comes from the Latin “caccabula,” which is a diminutive of “caccabus,” meaning a pot or a boiler. This etymological connection reflects its culinary function.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, “cazuela” refers primarily to a cooking pot with diverse applications in the culinary realm, illustrative of both physical cooking tools and metaphorical expressions of collaboration and transparency.
