centrado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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centrado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/θenˈtɾaðo/ (Castilian Spanish)
/senˈtɾado/ (Latin American Spanish)

Translation Options into English

  1. Centered
  2. Focused
  3. Concentrated

Meaning and Use

The word "centrado" is derived from the verb "centrar," which means to center or to focus. In Spanish, "centrado" is often used to describe someone who is mentally focused, calm, and grounded, or something that is positioned at the center of something else.

In terms of frequency, "centrado" is moderately used in both oral and written contexts, often appearing in discussions related to psychology, personal development, education, and physical activities such as yoga and meditation.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella se siente más centrada después de practicar yoga cada día.
    (She feels more centered after practicing yoga every day.)

  2. Es importante tener una mente centrada para tomar decisiones efectivas.
    (It is important to have a focused mind to make effective decisions.)

  3. El logo debe estar perfectamente centrado en la página.
    (The logo must be perfectly centered on the page.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "centrado" itself may not appear in numerous idiomatic expressions, the concept of being "centrado" is often integrated into phrases reflecting mental and emotional stability.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. Necesita mantenerse centrado en el presente para no preocuparse por el futuro.
    (He needs to stay focused on the present to avoid worrying about the future.)

  2. En tiempos difíciles, es esencial estar centrado en tus objetivos.
    (In tough times, it is essential to be focused on your goals.)

  3. Ser centrado en la vida te ayudará a manejar mejor el estrés.
    (Being grounded in life will help you manage stress better.)

  4. Ella siempre intenta ser una persona centrada y tranquila, incluso cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles.
    (She always tries to be a centered and calm person, even when things get tough.)

  5. Es un líder centrado que sabe hacia dónde quiere llevar a su equipo.
    (He is a centered leader who knows where he wants to take his team.)

  6. Mantener la mente centrada te ayudará a enfrentar los desafíos con mayor claridad.
    (Keeping a focused mind will help you face challenges with greater clarity.)


The word "centrado" comes from the Latin root "centrum," which means center. The evolution into "centrado" is part of the transformation of nouns into adjectives in Spanish, indicating the state or quality of being centered or focused.


  1. Enfocado
  2. Concentrado
  3. Aterrizado (in certain contexts - grounded)


  1. Disperso (scattered)
  2. Descentrado (off-center)
  3. Desenfocado (unfocused)
