central - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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central (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "central" in Spanish generally means "pertaining to the center" or "located in the middle." It can be used in various contexts, including geographic, organizational, and conceptual references. "Central" is frequently used in both written and spoken Spanish and is common in diverse areas such as geography, economy (e.g., central bank), law (e.g., central government), and medicine (e.g., central nervous system). It appears often in both formal and colloquial contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. La plaza central de la ciudad es muy concurrida.
    The central square of the city is very crowded.

  2. El banco central regula la economía del país.
    The central bank regulates the country's economy.

  3. La red de transporte central es eficiente y rápida.
    The central transportation network is efficient and fast.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "central" is often part of idioms or expressions that convey particular meanings, especially in technical or abstract contexts.

  1. Punto central
    El punto central de la discusión fue la falta de recursos.
    The central point of the discussion was the lack of resources.

  2. Eje central
    La justicia social debe ser el eje central de nuestra política.
    Social justice must be the central axis of our policy.

  3. Circunstancias centrales
    Las circunstancias centrales de su vida han sido desafiantes.
    The central circumstances of his life have been challenging.

  4. Tema central
    El tema central de la película es la redención.
    The central theme of the movie is redemption.

  5. Función central
    La función central del cerebro es procesar información.
    The central function of the brain is to process information.


The word "central" originates from the Latin "centralis," which comes from "centrum," meaning "center." Its utilization in Spanish has retained the original meaning associated with being at the middle point of an area or concept.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Medio (middle) - Principal (main) - Núcleo (core)

Antonyms: - Periférico (peripheral) - Marginal (marginal) - Exterior (outer)
