centralilla - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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centralilla (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Centralilla is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/θen.tɾaˈli.ʎa/ (in Castilian Spanish) or /sen.tɾaˈli.ʎa/ (in Latin American Spanish)

Translation Options

Meaning and Usage

Centralilla refers to a small central telephone exchange or switchboard used for connecting telephone calls. In a military context, it can also refer to a central command post or control center. The frequency of use in everyday conversation is moderate, while in specific contexts, such as telecommunications or military discussions, it may be higher. It is encountered more in written contexts related to technical or military literature, though it can also appear in oral conversations in informal settings.

Example Sentences

  1. "La centralilla está operando correctamente después de las actualizaciones."
    "The switchboard is operating correctly after the updates."

  2. "El comandante se dirigió a la centralilla para coordinar el plan de ataque."
    "The commander went to the command center to coordinate the attack plan."

  3. "Se necesita personal capacitado para manejar la centralilla de emergencias."
    "Trained personnel are needed to handle the emergency switchboard."

Idiomatic Expressions

While centralilla is not frequently used in idiomatic phrases, it is still relevant in technical discussions or military jargon. Here are some phrases where it can be essential:

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Estar en la centralilla de las decisiones."
    "To be at the center of decision-making."

  2. "La centralilla es clave para mantener la comunicación."
    "The switchboard is key to maintaining communication."

  3. "Coordinar desde la centralilla es fundamental en tiempos de crisis."
    "Coordinating from the command center is essential in times of crisis."

  4. "La centralilla militar permite un flujo de información ágil."
    "The military command center allows for a smooth flow of information."


The word centralilla comes from the Spanish central, which has roots in the Latin word centralis, meaning 'of the center.' The diminutive suffix -illa is added, which conveys a smaller version or scale of something.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Central - Intercambiador - Conmutador (in specific contexts related to telecommunications)

Antonyms: - Periférico (peripheral) - Externo (external)

This comprehensive understanding of centralilla provides insight into its role in both general and military contexts, as well as its linguistic attributes.
