centrarse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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centrarse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "centrarse" means to concentrate or focus on something. It is commonly used in both written and oral Spanish. The frequency of its use is moderate, often appearing in discussions about studying, work, personal goals, or any context where focus is required. It is equally used in spoken conversation and written text.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante centrarse en los objetivos personales para lograr el éxito.
    (It's important to focus on personal goals to achieve success.)

  2. Necesito centrarse en mis estudios para aprobar el examen.
    (I need to concentrate on my studies to pass the exam.)

  3. Ella no puede centrarse porque hay mucho ruido en la casa.
    (She can't focus because there's too much noise in the house.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Centrarse" is often used in various idiomatic expressions that emphasize focus, priorities, and attention. Below are some examples:

  1. Centrarse en lo que importa
  2. La clave para una vida feliz es centrarse en lo que importa.
    (The key to a happy life is to focus on what matters.)

  3. Centrarse en el aquí y ahora

  4. Es crucial centrarse en el aquí y ahora para disfrutar de cada momento.
    (It's crucial to focus on the here and now to enjoy every moment.)

  5. Centrarse en la meta

  6. Al prepararte para una maratón, debes centrarte en la meta y no en el cansancio.
    (When preparing for a marathon, you must focus on the goal and not on the fatigue.)

  7. Centrarse en el problema

  8. Antes de buscar soluciones, es necesario centrarse en el problema principal.
    (Before looking for solutions, it's necessary to focus on the main problem.)

Additional Examples

  1. Centrarse en el estudio
  2. Si te centras en el estudio, puedes mejorar tus calificaciones.
    (If you focus on studying, you can improve your grades.)

  3. Centrarse en las soluciones

  4. En lugar de quejarte, centra tu energía en las soluciones.
    (Instead of complaining, focus your energy on solutions.)


The word "centrarse" stems from the Spanish root "centro," meaning "center," derived from the Latin "centrum." The prefix "en-" suggests the action of turning toward the center, hence forming the meaning of focusing or concentrating.

Synonyms and Antonyms


