cepillo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cepillo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"cepillo" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "cepillo" in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is [seˈpiʎo].

Translation Options into English

"cepillo" can be translated into English as: - brush - comb

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "cepillo" primarily refers to a tool used for cleaning, grooming, or applying specific substances. There are various types of brushes, such as hair brushes, paint brushes, and toothbrushes. The frequency of use of "cepillo" is moderate; it is common in both oral speech and written contexts, particularly when discussing grooming or cleaning items.

Example Sentences

  1. Spanish: Necesito un cepillo para peinarme.
    English: I need a brush to comb my hair.

  2. Spanish: El pintor usó un cepillo grande para la pared.
    English: The painter used a large brush for the wall.

  3. Spanish: No olvides llevar el cepillo de dientes para el viaje.
    English: Don’t forget to bring the toothbrush for the trip.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cepillo" appears in several idiomatic expressions in the Spanish language:

  1. "Echar un cepillo" – To brush off someone or something, often used in the context of ignoring or dismissing issues or people.
  2. Example: "Decidí echar un cepillo a sus quejas, no valían la pena."
    Translation: "I decided to brush off his complaints; they weren't worth it."

  3. "Cepillo de dientes" – Literally means "toothbrush," but figuratively can refer to taking care of one's hygiene.

  4. Example: "Es importante usar el cepillo de dientes después de cada comida."
    Translation: "It is important to use the toothbrush after each meal."

  5. "Estar en el cepillo" – Refers to being in a difficult situation or being tangled up in problems.

  6. Example: "Me siento como si estuviera en el cepillo con todos estos problemas."
    Translation: "I feel like I'm in a tight spot with all these problems."


The term "cepillo" comes from the Latin word "cepillŭm," which meant a small hair, or brush. It is derived from "caper," meaning goat, which reflects the bristles often used in brushes as animal hair was historically the material of choice for making them.

Synonyms and Antonyms


