cerca - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cerca (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cerca" is primarily a noun in Spanish, but it can also be used as an adverb.

Phonetic Transcription

/ˈθeɾ.ka/ (Castilian Spanish)
/ˈsɛr.kə/ (Latin American Spanish)

Translation Options into English

  1. Fence (as a noun)
  2. Near (as an adverb)

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "cerca" as a noun refers to a physical barrier or fence surrounding an area, typically used for enclosing land or protecting livestock. As an adverb, it means "near" or "close to."

The word is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, but it may be more prevalent in written forms when discussing properties, boundaries, or specific locations.

Example Sentences

  1. La casa tiene una cerca blanca que rodea el jardín.
    The house has a white fence surrounding the garden.

  2. El perro está cerca de la puerta.
    The dog is near the door.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cerca" can also appear in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish, particularly when discussing proximity or boundaries.

  1. Estar cerca de la verdad
    To be close to the truth.
    Esto significa estar casi en lo correcto o tener una idea aproximada de lo que realmente sucede.
    This means to be almost correct or have a rough idea of what really happens.

  2. Cerca de la muerte
    Close to death.
    Esta expresión se usa para describir una situación crítica o grave.
    This expression is used to describe a critical or serious situation.

  3. Cerca de casa
    Close to home.
    Refleja la idea de que algo sucede en las proximidades de uno, especialmente en un contexto personal.
    Reflects the idea that something happens in one's vicinity, especially in a personal context.

  4. Hacer cerca (de algo)
    To fence (something in).
    Utilizado al construir o crear una barrera física alrededor de un lugar o algo.
    Used when building or creating a physical barrier around a place or something.

  5. A la cerca
    At the fence.
    Se usa para describir una situación crítica o de tensión entre dos partes.
    Used to describe a critical or tense situation between two parties.


The word "cerca" comes from the Latin term circā, which means "around" or "about." The Latin influence is prominent in the evolution of the word as it transitioned from Latin to Old Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms


