cercano - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cercano (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options

  1. Close
  2. Nearby
  3. Close-knit

Meaning and Usage

The word "cercano" is used to describe something that is near in distance or time. It can also refer to relationships, indicating a sense of closeness or intimacy, whether physical, emotional, or social. "Cercano" is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, but it is more prominent in everyday spoken language due to its general applicability to many situations.

Example Sentences

  1. La tienda más cercana está a una cuadra de aquí.
    The nearest store is a block away from here.

  2. Siempre he tenido una relación muy cercana con mi mejor amigo.
    I have always had a very close relationship with my best friend.

  3. El evento está cercano y necesitamos prepararlo pronto.
    The event is approaching, and we need to prepare it soon.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cercano" is also part of several idiomatic expressions that convey a sense of intimacy or proximity:

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. De cerca
    Es mejor observar el problema de cerca para entenderlo bien.
    (It is better to observe the problem up close to understand it well.)

  2. Cercano a
    La familia de Ana está muy cercana a la nuestra.
    (Ana's family is very close to ours.)

  3. Tener a alguien muy cercano
    Tener a tu hermano muy cercano te hace sentir apoyado.
    (Having your brother very close makes you feel supported.)

  4. Poner las cosas en claro
    Es importante poner las cosas en claro con aquel amigo cercano.
    (It's important to clear things up with that close friend.)

  5. Mantenerse cercano
    Es fundamental mantenerse cercano a los que amas en los momentos difíciles.
    (It's essential to stay close to those you love in difficult times.)


The word "cercano" originates from the Latin adjective "circānus", which means "near". It is related to the Latin word "circa", meaning "around" or "about", which reflects the concept of vicinity or proximity.

Synonyms and Antonyms


