cercar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cercar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cercar" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "cercar" in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /θeɾˈkaɾ/ in Spain, and /serˈkar/ in Latin America.

Translation Options into English

The verb "cercar" can be translated into English as: - To surround - To encircle - To enclose

Meaning and Usage

"Cercar" means to create a boundary or enclosure around something, often implying the action of surrounding or enclosing an area or object. It is used in both written and oral contexts, although the frequency can vary depending on the region. The term is not overly common in everyday conversation but can often be found in literature, military contexts, or discussions involving boundaries or geographical confinement.

Example Sentences

  1. La ciudad está cercada por un muro antiguo.
    The city is surrounded by an ancient wall.

  2. Los soldados cercaron el área para asegurarla.
    The soldiers encircled the area to secure it.

  3. Decidimos cercar el jardín para proteger las plantas.
    We decided to enclose the garden to protect the plants.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cercar" is not deeply entrenched in many idiomatic expressions, it can be used in specific contexts to imply constraining or limiting options, especially in tactical or military language.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Cercar a alguien por la espalda.
    To surround someone from behind.
    This refers to ambushing or taking someone by surprise.

  2. Cercar las dudas.
    To surround the doubts.
    This expression can be used to mean addressing or tackling uncertainties comprehensively.

  3. Cercar un problema.
    To encircle a problem.
    This means to analyze a problem thoroughly from multiple angles.

  4. Cercar los límites.
    To enclose the limits.
    This could refer to defining boundaries in a situation or discussion.


The word "cercar" derives from the Latin word "circare," which means "to go around" or "to encircle." Its evolution in the Spanish language carries over this sense of surrounding or enclosing.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Rodear (to surround) - Envolver (to wrap/enclose) - Acercar (to approach, though it has a slightly different nuance)

Antonyms: - Alejar (to separate) - Desencerrar (to release, to unseal) - Expandir (to expand)
