cercenar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cercenar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/θeɾθeˈnaɾ/ in Spain; /seɾseˈnaɾ/ in Latin America

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "cercenar" means to cut off, specifically to remove or reduce something, often used in contexts where an entity or part is severed or curtailed. In legal terms, it may refer to the prohibition or limitation of rights or privileges, indicating a form of restriction or cutting back. The frequency of use is moderate, and it appears in both oral and written contexts, though it tends to be more formal and thus more common in writings, especially legal documents.

Example Sentences

  1. El tribunal decidió cercenar los derechos de los acusados durante el juicio.
  2. The court decided to curtail the rights of the defendants during the trial.

  3. La falta de fondos puede cercenar las oportunidades de desarrollo del proyecto.

  4. The lack of funds can sever the development opportunities of the project.

  5. Necesitamos cercenar algunos gastos para ajustarnos al presupuesto.

  6. We need to cut back on some expenses to fit the budget.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cercenar" is not part of common idiomatic expressions, it might appear in specific contexts related to cutting off rights or privileges. However, its usage in idioms is limited compared to its application in more direct language.

Example Sentences in Context

  1. La reforma laboral busca cercenar privilegios injustos en el sector público.
  2. The labor reform seeks to curtail unjust privileges in the public sector.

  3. A veces, es necesario cercenar la influencia de factores externos en nuestra toma de decisiones.

  4. Sometimes, it is necessary to sever the influence of external factors in our decision-making.

  5. La legislación nueva pretende cercenar el abuso de poder por parte de las autoridades.

  6. The new legislation aims to curtail the abuse of power by authorities.


The word "cercenar" derives from the Latin "cercenare," which is formed from "cercen-" (to cut) and is related to "caedere," meaning to cut or to kill. The prefix also suggests the notion of encircling or surrounding, indicating a cutting from a larger whole.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, "cercenar" is a verb that indicates the action of cutting back or severing something and is contextually significant in legal language, though its applications in idiomatic expressions are less common.
