cerda - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cerda (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "cerda" primarily means "sow," which is the female pig. It refers to the animal itself and is often used in rural or agricultural contexts. Additionally, in some regions, it can be used derogatorily to refer to a person who is considered rude, untidy, or vulgar.

The frequency of use varies; in general conversation, it may be more common in rural areas or among agricultural communities. The term is more prevalent in oral speech than in written contexts, although it might appear in literature discussing rural life or animals.

Example Sentences

  1. "La cerda dio a luz a varios lechones este mes."
    "The sow gave birth to several piglets this month."

  2. "En el campo, la cerda es muy apreciada por su carne."
    "In the countryside, the sow is highly valued for its meat."

  3. "No seas tan cerda en la mesa; hay que comer con educación."
    "Don't be so rude at the table; we need to eat with manners."

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "cerda" may not have many widely recognized idiomatic expressions in standard Spanish, but it appears in a few relevant contexts that relate to behavior or cleanliness.

  1. "Vivir como una cerda."
    "To live like a pig."
  2. This expression often describes someone living in a messy or disorganized way.

  3. "Echarle a alguien más cerda que a un lobo."
    "To tell someone off worse than a wolf."

  4. This phrase highlights criticizing or reprimanding someone harshly.

  5. "Andar como cerda en el barro."
    "To walk like a pig in the mud."

  6. This expression signifies being joyful and carefree, regardless of one's messy situation.


The word "cerda" comes from the Latin "sŏrda," which relates to swine and refers to female pigs. Its evolution into the Spanish language retains the meaning connected to the animal itself but has also taken on negative connotations in some informal usages.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Cerdo (pig, more generally) - Chancho (regional term, particularly in some South American countries)

Antonyms: - No direct antonym; however, in slang, one might think of terms implying elegance or cleanliness (not directly oppositional but contrasting in connotation).

This information illustrates the semantic richness of "cerda" within various contexts of the Spanish language.
