cerebral - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cerebral (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "cerebral" is derived from "cerebro," which means "brain" in Spanish. It generally refers to anything pertaining to the brain or intellect. In a medical context, it often describes conditions or processes that involve the brain (e.g., "trastornos cerebrales" means "cerebral disorders"). In common usage, it can also refer to intellectual pursuits or characteristics that involve deep thought rather than emotion.

It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, though it may appear more in written form within academic or medical literature due to its specialized nature.

Example Sentences

  1. El análisis cerebral fue crucial para entender la enfermedad del paciente.
  2. The cerebral analysis was crucial for understanding the patient's illness.

  3. Los estudios cerebrales muestran que el daño es irreversible.

  4. The cerebral studies show that the damage is irreversible.

  5. Su enfoque cerebral para resolver problemas lo distingue de los demás.

  6. His cerebral approach to problem-solving sets him apart from others.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cerebral" is included in a few idiomatic expressions, often highlighting the intellectual nature of thought processes or actions.

  1. Un ejercicio cerebral - refers to an activity that stimulates thought or intelligence.
  2. Resolver acertijos es un gran ejercicio cerebral.
  3. Solving puzzles is a great cerebral exercise.

  4. Cerebralmente activo - describes someone who is intellectually engaged or alert.

  5. Siempre ha sido cerebralmente activo, disfrutando de debates filosóficos.
  6. He has always been cerebrally active, enjoying philosophical debates.

  7. Pelea cerebral - refers to a battle of wits or an intellectual confrontation.

  8. La discusión se convirtió en una pelea cerebral entre los dos expertos.
  9. The discussion turned into a cerebral fight between the two experts.


The word "cerebral" comes from the Latin "cerebralis," which itself is derived from "cerebrum," meaning "the brain." It has maintained that core meaning throughout its evolution, relating specifically to the brain or intellect.

Synonyms and Antonyms

By understanding the word "cerebral," we can see its multifaceted application across various domains, highlighting its importance in both medical terminology and everyday language.
