ceremonial - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ceremonial (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "ceremonial" in Spanish refers to something that is related to or used in a ceremony. It is often associated with formal events or rituals that follow specific traditions or customs. The word is used in both oral and written contexts, though it may be more frequented in written language, especially in formal or academic settings.

Frequency of Use

"Ceremonial" is moderately used in Spanish, particularly in contexts related to culture, religion, and formal events.

Example Sentences

  1. La boda fue un evento ceremonial muy emotivo.
  2. The wedding was a very emotional ceremonial event.

  3. El grupo realizó un baile ceremonial en honor a sus antepasados.

  4. The group performed a ceremonial dance in honor of their ancestors.

  5. Los invitados siguieron un protocolo ceremonial durante la entrega de premios.

  6. The guests followed a ceremonial protocol during the award ceremony.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "ceremonial" itself does not feature heavily in idiomatic expressions, it is often found in contexts related to traditions, formalities, and rituals.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Context

  1. En la cultura, el ceremonial de la vida es considerado sagrado.
  2. In the culture, the ceremonial aspects of life are considered sacred.

  3. La tradición del brindis es un acto ceremonial en muchas fiestas.

  4. The tradition of the toast is a ceremonial act at many parties.

  5. El ceremonial de inauguración fue un evento que unió a toda la comunidad.

  6. The inauguration ceremony was an event that brought the whole community together.


The word "ceremonial" comes from the Latin "caeremonialis," which relates to "caeremonia," signifying a formal act or ritual. Its usage has persisted across languages, indicating the importance of formal practices throughout history.


