cereza - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cereza (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "cereza" primarily refers to the small, round fruit from the cherry tree, typically red or black in color. In Spanish, it is used in both oral and written contexts, but it may be more prevalent in culinary or literary descriptions. The frequency of use can vary, but it remains a common term in discussions involving fruits, desserts, and even symbolic representations of sweetness or vitality.

Example Sentences

  1. Las cerezas son mi fruta favorita del verano.
  2. Cherries are my favorite fruit of the summer.

  3. Me encanta el pastel de cereza que hace mi abuela.

  4. I love the cherry pie that my grandmother makes.

  5. La salsa de cereza complementa perfectamente el pollo.

  6. The cherry sauce perfectly complements the chicken.

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, "cereza" is not widely used in idiomatic expressions; however, its references can be seen in metaphorical contexts that associate cherries with beauty, sweetness, and decadence.

  1. Poner la cereza en el pastel.
  2. To put the cherry on the cake. (Meaning to add a final touch that enhances an already positive situation.)

  3. Es la cereza del postre.

  4. It's the cherry on top. (Referring to something that improves the situation, making it perfect.)

  5. No todo es miel sobre hojuelas, a veces hay cerezas en el camino.

  6. Not everything is sweetness and butter, sometimes there are cherries along the way. (This expression means that life is not always perfect; there are obstacles to face.)


The term "cereza" is derived from the Latin word "cereza," which also means cherry. The fruit has been cultivated for thousands of years, and its name has survived through various languages and cultures.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Fruta roja (red fruit) - Baya (berry)

Antonyms: - Ensalada (salad) (in a loose sense, as it represents something different and typically not sweet).

This structured information on "cereza" provides a thorough understanding of the word within different contexts.
