cerezo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cerezo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word cerezo is a noun in the Spanish language.

Phonetic Transcription

/cɛˈɾeθo/ (Castilian Spanish) or /sɛˈɾezo/ (Latin American Spanish)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Cerezo refers to the tree that produces cherries, and it can also refer to the cherries themselves. It is used commonly in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions about gardening, botany, and culinary uses. The frequency of use is moderate, with more prominence in written contexts like literature or agricultural texts.

Example Sentences

  1. El cerezo floreció en primavera.
    The cherry tree bloomed in spring.

  2. Nos encantan las cerezas que crecen en nuestro cerezo.
    We love the cherries that grow on our cherry tree.

  3. El cerezo es famoso por su hermosa floración.
    The cherry tree is famous for its beautiful blooming.

Idiomatic Expressions

While cerezo itself is less frequently found in idiomatic expressions, it can be included in phrases related to nature or harvests. Here are some expressions and their meanings:

  1. Estar en la flor del cerezo.
    To be in full bloom, to be at one's prime.
    Ella está en la flor del cerezo, brillando en su carrera.
    (She is in full bloom, shining in her career.)

  2. Se cosechan los cerezos.
    The cherries are harvested. (Used metaphorically to mean something is ready or at its peak.)
    Cuando se cosechan los cerezos, todo el pueblo celebra.
    (When the cherries are harvested, the whole town celebrates.)

  3. Más vale un cerezo que mil palabras.
    A cherry tree is worth more than a thousand words. (Meaning that actions speak louder than words.)
    Decidí actuar por mí mismo, porque más vale un cerezo que mil palabras.
    (I decided to act for myself, because actions speak louder than words.)


The word cerezo comes from the Latin cerasum, which referred to the cherry tree. Its roots can be traced back further to ancient Greek as kerasos.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - cereza (cherry) - frutal (fruit tree)

Antonyms: - árbol muerto (dead tree) - seca (dry; this can refer to a barren or unfruitful tree)
