cernada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cernada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cernada" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "cernada" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /serˈnaða/.

Translation Options into English

"Cernada" can be translated into English as "sifting" or "the act of sifting." In certain contexts, it may also refer to filtration.

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "cernada" generally refers to the act of sifting, particularly when separating fine particles from coarser ones, such as in cooking or processing materials. It can be used in different contexts like agriculture, food preparation, or even in industrial settings.

The frequency of use can vary, but "cernada" is more commonly found in written contexts, especially in literature, cooking recipes, or technical discussions related to sifting processes. It is less prevalent in everyday oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. La cernada de la harina es esencial para hacer un buen pan.
    The sifting of the flour is essential to make good bread.

  2. Antes de hacer el tratamiento, se debe realizar una cernada del material.
    Before performing the treatment, the material must be sifted.

  3. El chef recomendó usar la cernada para obtener una textura más fina en la mezcla.
    The chef recommended using the sifting to achieve a finer texture in the mix.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cernada" is not commonly featured in widely recognized idiomatic expressions, it can relate to ideas of preparation or filtering out the unnecessary. Here are a few constructed idiomatic-like sentences that capture the essence of the term:

  1. No todo lo que brilla es oro; a veces, se necesita una cernada para ver la verdad.
    Not everything that glitters is gold; sometimes, a sifting is needed to see the truth.

  2. Al igual que en la cocina, en la vida se necesita una cernada para eliminar lo desagradable.
    Just like in cooking, in life one needs a sifting to eliminate the unpleasant.

  3. Hay que hacer una cernada de las ideas antes de tomar una decisión.
    One must sift through ideas before making a decision.


The word "cernada" comes from the verb "cernir," which means "to sift." The root of "cernir" traces back to the Latin "cernĕre," which also means "to separate" or "to sift." The term has evolved over time to encompass broader meanings of selection and filtering.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Tamizaje (sifting) - Filtración (filtration) - Cribado (screening)

Antonyms: - Mezcla (mix) - Confusión (confusion) - Undifferentiated (no separation)

The term "cernada" predominantly relates to contexts where filtering, separating, or enhancing quality is essential, making it significant in culinary, agricultural, and industrial discussions.
