cerne - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cerne (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cerne" is primarily used as a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/ˈθeɾ.ne/ (in Spain) or /ˈ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "cerne" refers to a carcass or corpse, often the remains of an animal after butchering or an individual's lifeless body. It has a somewhat technical or formal tone and is more frequently encountered in written context rather than in everyday oral speech. Usage is generally limited to specific fields such as biology, veterinary science, or medicine.

Example Sentences

  1. El cerne del cordero se utiliza para hacer dulces tradicionales.
  2. The carcass of the lamb is used to make traditional sweets.

  3. Los científicos estudiaron el cerne como parte de su investigación sobre la descomposición.

  4. The scientists studied the carcass as part of their research on decomposition.

  5. El cerne hallado en el sitio arqueológico reveló información sobre los hábitos alimenticios de los antiguos habitantes.

  6. The carcass found at the archaeological site revealed information about the dietary habits of the ancient inhabitants.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cerne" does not have a wide variety of idiomatic expressions directly associated with it, it can occasionally be used in expressions related to death or remains. These expressions are more focused on the context of remains or carcasses.

  1. "Desmenuzar el cerne" - refers to breaking down or analyzing the remains of something, often used metaphorically.
  2. Desmenuzar el cerne de un caso judicial puede llevar a desvelar verdades ocultas.
  3. Breaking down the carcass of a legal case can unveil hidden truths.

  4. "Sacar el cerne" - this could mean getting to the heart of the matter, or understanding the core issue at hand.

  5. Es fundamental sacar el cerne del problema antes de proponer una solución.
  6. It’s essential to get to the core of the problem before proposing a solution.

  7. "Dar cerne" - although not a common idiom, this phrase can imply giving substance or meaning to a situation or topic, figuratively speaking.

  8. Es importante dar cerne a nuestras discusiones para que tengan valor.
  9. It's important to give substance to our discussions so that they have value.


The term "cerne" comes from the Latin "carnis," meaning "flesh" or "meat," which is also the root for several related terms in modern languages.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Cuerpo (Body) - Restos (Remains) - Carcasa (Shell, carcass)

Antonyms: - Vida (Life) - Ser (Being) - Vitalidad (Vitality)

This comprehensive overview provides insight into the usage, meanings, and nuances surrounding the word "cerne" in the Spanish language.
