cerner - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cerner (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The verb "cerner" in Spanish means to perceive or understand something clearly after examination or consideration. It is often used in contexts that require careful thought or analysis. Its frequency of use can vary, but it is more common in written contexts where nuanced understanding is significant—such as literature, philosophy, and technical discussions—than in everyday spoken language. Nonetheless, it can still appear in casual conversation when discussing topics that require clarity or insight.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante cerner los detalles antes de tomar una decisión.
    It is important to discern the details before making a decision.

  2. Después de varios análisis, pude cerner el problema.
    After several analyses, I was able to perceive the problem.

  3. Ella es capaz de cerner la verdad en situaciones complicadas.
    She is able to fathom the truth in complicated situations.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cerner" itself is not widely found in fixed idiomatic expressions, its underlying meaning can form a basis for expressions involving discernment and understanding. Here are some sentences that incorporate the spirit of "cerner":

  1. No se puede cerner la verdad a simple vista.
    The truth cannot be discerned at first glance.

  2. Es necesario cerner los hechos antes de llegar a una conclusión.
    It is necessary to examine the facts before arriving at a conclusion.

  3. Con paciencia, podemos cerner las oportunidades dentro de este reto.
    With patience, we can discern the opportunities within this challenge.

  4. El trabajo del investigador es cerner las evidencias ocultas.
    The investigator's job is to uncover the hidden evidence.


"Cerner" comes from the Latin word "cernere," which means "to separate" or "to sift." The root of the word emphasizes the process of distinguishing or discerning among various elements.

Synonyms and Antonyms



By understanding the nuances and contexts in which "cerner" is used, learners of Spanish can better appreciate the richness of the language and its capacity for expressing clarity and insight.
