cero - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cero (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cero is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/ˈθe.ɾo/ in Spain or /ˈse.ɾo/ in Latin America.

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Cero refers to the numeral 0, which represents the absence of quantity or value in mathematics. It is used widely in both oral and written forms in various contexts, including mathematics, science, finance, and everyday conversations. In terms of frequency, it is frequently encountered in both spoken and written Spanish, particularly in academic and professional settings.

Example Sentences

  1. La temperatura ha bajado a cero grados.
    The temperature has dropped to zero degrees.

  2. No tengo cero pesos en mi cartera.
    I have zero pesos in my wallet.

  3. En este examen, obtuve un cero.
    In this exam, I got a zero.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cero" itself is not typically part of many idiomatic expressions, it can be included in phrases that involve counting, scoring, or rankings, particularly in mathematical or evaluative contexts. Here are some phrases and examples:

  1. Cero a la izquierda
    Zero to the left – This expression is used to describe something or someone that has no importance or is considered insignificant.
  2. Lo que opina no importa, es un cero a la izquierda.
    What he thinks doesn't matter; he is a zero to the left.

  3. Cero defectos
    Zero defects – Refers to a standard or goal of having no errors or problems.

  4. En este proyecto, buscamos cero defectos en la producción.
    In this project, we aim for zero defects in production.

  5. Cero problemas
    Zero problems – Indicates that everything is fine or under control.

  6. Desde que implementamos el nuevo sistema, hemos tenido cero problemas.
    Since we implemented the new system, we have had zero problems.


The word cero originates from the late Latin term "zephirum," which was derived from the Arabic "sifr," meaning "empty" or "nothing." The Arabic term was used in mathematics to denote the concept of zero, which made its way into Romance languages as zero.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Ninguno (none)
- Nil

- Uno (one)
- Más (more)
