cerrada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cerrada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "cerrada" is the feminine singular form of the adjective "cerrado." It generally means "closed" or "shut," and can refer to physical objects like doors or windows, or can be used metaphorically to describe a person's mindset or attitude. The frequency of use varies with context; it is used in both oral and written speech, though you may find it more often in written contexts, especially in formal settings.

Example Sentences

  1. La puerta está cerrada.
    The door is closed.

  2. La mente de esa persona es muy cerrada.
    That person's mind is very closed.

  3. La tienda cierra a las ocho, así que asegúrate de que está cerrada a esa hora.
    The store closes at eight, so make sure it is shut by that time.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cerrada" appears in several idiomatic expressions, often conveying the idea of being closed off or resistant to change.

Example Sentences

  1. No ser para nada cerrada.
    To not be closed off at all.
  2. Ella no es para nada cerrada; siempre está dispuesta a escuchar nuevas ideas.
    (She is not closed off at all; she is always willing to listen to new ideas.)

  3. Cerrada en banda.
    Closed off completely.

  4. Estaba cerrada en banda a cualquier tipo de sugerencia.
    (She was completely closed off to any kind of suggestion.)

  5. Mente cerrada.
    Closed mind.

  6. Tener una mente cerrada puede limitar tus oportunidades de aprender.
    (Having a closed mind can limit your opportunities to learn.)

  7. Cerrada por fuera, abierta por dentro.
    Closed on the outside, open on the inside.

  8. Muchas personas son cerradas por fuera, pero abiertas por dentro cuando se les conoce mejor.
    (Many people are closed on the outside, but open on the inside when you get to know them better.)


The term "cerrada" derives from the Latin word "clausus," which is the past participle of "claudere," meaning "to close." Over time, it evolved through Old Spanish into the modern term used today.

Synonyms and Antonyms


