cerradero - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cerradero (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Locking mechanism
  2. Closing mechanism
  3. Fastener
  4. Timber shop (specific to a wood mill context)

Meaning and Usage

The term "cerradero" primarily refers to a mechanism or device used for locking or closing, often seen in doors, windows, or various types of containers. In a more specialized context, particularly within the timber industry, it can refer to a place where wood is processed and locked for inventory control.

Its frequency of use may vary by region and context, but it generally is more prevalent in technical or specialized discussions (like carpentry or locksmithing) rather than in everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. El cerradero de la puerta necesita ajustarse para que se cierre correctamente.
  2. The locking mechanism of the door needs to be adjusted so that it closes properly.

  3. En el cerradero de la madera, se clasifican los troncos según su tipo.

  4. At the timber shop, logs are classified according to their type.

  5. Asegúrate de que el cerradero esté bien cerrado antes de salir.

  6. Make sure that the fastener is securely closed before leaving.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "cerradero" is not extensively used in idiomatic expressions, but it can appear in some contexts related to closure, security, or finality.

  1. Cerradero de mis angustias.
  2. "Closing off my worries."
  3. Este cerradero de mis angustias me permite concentrarme en lo positivo.
  4. This closing off of my worries allows me to focus on the positive.

  5. Estar en el cerradero.

  6. "To be in a tight spot."
  7. Desde que perdí mi trabajo, estoy en el cerradero.
  8. Ever since I lost my job, I am in a tight spot.


The word "cerradero" derives from the Spanish verb "cerrar", which means "to close" or "to shut". The suffix -ero is often used in Spanish to denote a place related to a certain action or material, thus "cerradero" literally translates to "the place where something is closed".



This comprehensive breakdown of "cerradero" provides an overview of its usage, meanings, and related expressions in the Spanish language.
