cerrado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cerrado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/kethaˈɾaðo/ (in Spain) or /seˈraðo/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "cerrado" primarily means "closed" or "shut" and can refer to physical objects, spaces, or abstract concepts. The term is quite common in everyday language, used both in written and spoken contexts, with no notable preference for one over the other. Its use is widespread, encompassing a variety of meanings such as being closed for business, figuratively representing someone's unwillingness to open up (emotionally), or even referring to restricted access in certain scenarios.

Example Sentences

  1. La tienda está cerrado los domingos.
  2. The store is closed on Sundays.

  3. La puerta se quedó cerrado debido al viento.

  4. The door remained closed due to the wind.

  5. Ella tiene una mente cerrado en cuanto a nuevas ideas.

  6. She has a closed mind regarding new ideas.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Cerrado" appears in various idiomatic expressions within the Spanish language. These phrases often convey a deeper meaning, reflecting social interactions, attitudes, or behavioral traits.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Cerrado como un puño.
  2. Literal Translation: Closed like a fist.
  3. Meaning: Very stubborn or unyielding.
  4. Example: Juan es cerrado como un puño; nunca acepta críticas.

    • Juan is as closed as a fist; he never accepts criticism.
  5. Cerrado de mente.

  6. Literal Translation: Closed of mind.
  7. Meaning: Someone who is not open to new ideas or perspectives.
  8. Example: No podemos trabajar con él, está cerrado de mente.

    • We cannot work with him; he is closed-minded.
  9. Tener la mente cerrada.

  10. Literal Translation: To have a closed mind.
  11. Meaning: To be inflexible or unaccepting of different points of view.
  12. Example: Tener la mente cerrada no ayuda a aprender cosas nuevas.

    • Having a closed mind doesn't help to learn new things.
  13. Estar cerrado a la negociación.

  14. Literal Translation: To be closed to negotiation.
  15. Meaning: To be unwilling to discuss or compromise.
  16. Example: La empresa está cerrada a la negociación en este momento.
    • The company is closed to negotiation at this time.


The word "cerrado" comes from the verb "cerrar," which means "to close." The root of "cerrar" can be traced back to the Latin word “serrare,” which means "to bind together or fasten." Thus, "cerrado" literally means "made to close" or "having been closed."



This comprehensive overview of "cerrado" illustrates its versatility and frequent use in various contexts in the Spanish language.
