cerramiento - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cerramiento (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "cerramiento" refers to a physical enclosure or barrier that defines a space. It often pertains to the act of enclosing something or the structure that results from this action. It can be used to describe fences, walls, or any type of closure around a particular area. The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to construction, architecture, and property boundaries.

Example Sentences

  1. El cerramiento de la terraza mejoró la privacidad de la casa.
    The enclosure of the terrace improved the privacy of the house.

  2. El cerramiento del parque ayuda a proteger la flora local.
    The enclosure of the park helps to protect the local flora.

  3. Hicieron un cerramiento de vidrio para disfrutar de las vistas.
    They made a glass enclosure to enjoy the views.

Idiomatic Expressions Involving "Cerramiento"

While "cerramiento" is not commonly found in many idiomatic expressions per se, it can appear in phrases related to enclosing or safeguarding spaces. Here are some expressions that can involve the concept of "cerramiento":

  1. "Estar en el cerramiento"
    Meaning: To be in a safe or secured position.
    Ella siempre se siente mejor estando en el cerramiento de su hogar.
    She always feels better being in the enclosure of her home.

  2. "Dar un cerramiento"
    Meaning: To put a stop to something or to conclude a matter.
    El juez decidió dar un cerramiento al caso por falta de pruebas.
    The judge decided to put a closure to the case due to lack of evidence.

  3. "Cerramiento de espacios"
    Meaning: Referring to the act of enclosing various types of spaces for specific purposes.
    El cerramiento de espacios abiertos es esencial para la seguridad de los niños.
    The enclosure of open spaces is essential for the safety of children.


The word "cerramiento" comes from the verb "cerrar," which means "to close." The suffix "-miento" is used in Spanish to form nouns that denote the action or process of the verb. Therefore, "cerramiento" literally means "the act of closing" or "closure."

Synonyms and Antonyms

This overview provides a comprehensive look at the word "cerramiento," illustrating its meaning, use, and relevance in the Spanish language as well as connections to related idiomatic expressions.
