cerrar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cerrar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cerrar is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription

/θeˈrar/ (in Spain) or /seˈrar/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Cerrar means to close, shut, or seal something. It is a common verb used in various contexts, including everyday situations such as shutting a door, closing a book, or even more abstract uses like concluding a discussion or meeting. In terms of frequency, cerrar is frequently used in both oral and written contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Cerrar la puerta, por favor.
  2. Please close the door.

  3. No olvides cerrar la ventana antes de salir.

  4. Don't forget to close the window before leaving.

  5. El banco cierra a las cinco de la tarde.

  6. The bank closes at five in the afternoon.

Idiomatic Expressions

Cerrar is also part of several idiomatic expressions in Spanish:

  1. Cerrar un ojo
  2. To turn a blind eye.
  3. Example: A veces es mejor cerrar un ojo a los problemas pequeños.
  4. Sometimes it's better to turn a blind eye to small problems.

  5. Cerrar el pico

  6. To shut one's mouth.
  7. Example: Durante la reunión, tuvo que cerrar el pico para no discutir.
  8. During the meeting, he had to shut his mouth to avoid arguing.

  9. Cerrar el ciclo

  10. To close the cycle.
  11. Example: Es importante cerrar el ciclo de una relación antes de empezar otra.
  12. It is important to close the cycle of a relationship before starting another.

  13. Cerrar las heridas

  14. To heal the wounds.
  15. Example: Con el tiempo, lograremos cerrar las heridas del pasado.
  16. In time, we will be able to heal the wounds of the past.

  17. Cerrar filas

  18. To close ranks.
  19. Example: El equipo tuvo que cerrar filas para enfrentar la crisis.
  20. The team had to close ranks to face the crisis.


The verb cerrar comes from the Latin word clausare, which means "to close." It has evolved in the Spanish language, retaining its core meaning related to closing or sealing.

Synonyms and Antonyms


