cerril - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cerril (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word cerril refers to something that is wild, rough, or untamed. It is often used to describe animals that have not been domesticated or individuals who are unruly or difficult to control. In colloquial usage, it may also describe a person who behaves in an aggressive or defiant manner.

Frequency of Use

Cerril is not among the most commonly used words in everyday conversation, but it is recognized in both oral and written contexts, especially in literature or discussions pertaining to nature, animals, or character traits.

Example Sentences

  1. El caballo era tan cerril que nadie pudo montarlo.
  2. The horse was so wild that nobody could ride it.

  3. Su comportamiento cerril le causó muchos problemas en la escuela.

  4. His fierce behavior got him into a lot of trouble at school.

  5. Este lugar tiene una belleza cerril que lo hace único.

  6. This place has a wild beauty that makes it unique.

Idiomatic Expressions

While cerril itself is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it often appears in contexts that describe wildness or toughness in various phrases:

  1. Ser como un animal cerril***:
  2. Describes a person who is untamed or difficult to manage.
  3. "Esa persona es como un animal cerril; nunca sigue las reglas."

    • "That person is like a wild animal; they never follow the rules."
  4. Poner a alguien cerril***:

  5. Indicates making someone confrontational or wild.
  6. "Su reacción cerril en esa reunión sorprendió a todos."

    • "His fierce reaction in that meeting surprised everyone."
  7. Vivir en estado cerril***:

  8. Refers to living in a manner that is unrefined or rustic.
  9. "En la montaña, muchos prefieren vivir en estado cerril."
    • "In the mountains, many prefer to live in a wild state."


The term cerril is derived from the Latin word "cērālis," which means of or related to grain. However, in a broader sense, it has evolved to mean wild or untamed, particularly in the context of livestock and nature. The word's root reflects a connection to the natural world, implying something that has not been shaped or influenced by human hands.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This extensive outline should provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the word cerril in the Spanish language. If you need further exploring of any aspect, feel free to ask!
